View Microfilm


We are proud to house microfilm of all the local papers and census data. We also have a reader-printer available to help you find and print exactly what you are looking to find. Please contact the library today to set up an appointment to view the microfilm!



Printing from the reader-printer costs $0.25 per page. Please pay the librarian at the desk.



  • Permission is required to use the reader-printer machine.
  • The Library Director or the library assistants would prefer to set up the machine. If you would prefer to set up the machine, you must recieve instructions.
  • Before using the machine alone, please show one of the librarians tha you know how to use the machine properly.
  • If you are using the machine and a patron who has reserved it for a particular time arrives, you must relinquish the machine.
  • The reader-printer is available for research. It is a very expensive machine and must be used carefully.
  • When you reach the end of the reel, please ask for assistance form one of the librarians so taht the film is rewound correctly. DO NOT run the film off of the left hand reel.
  • Please limit the use of the machine to two people at one time.


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